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San Diego’s Abigail Boretto is right at home on top of the world. This “Crazy American in Pink Cowboy Boots” has warmed hearts in Northern Norway over the last two years while creating her film, “The Ring and The Mountain.”

We had the opportunity to catch up with Boretto, as she prepares for her next adventure, right here in San Diego.

Q-Can you tell us how it was to return to Harstad, Norway to premiere your film in the land where it began?

AB- “I don’t know where to begin! Last year was transformative, I mean-meeting the man who found my fathers ring, climbing the mountain where my father breathed his last breath, and experiencing the warmth and patriotism of the Norwegian people, it all has been very magical. I have no words to describe how it felt to see the journey come alive again, forever on screen, alongside these compassionate strangers who have contributed so much to the process…they are as emotionally invested as I am. We are family now.”

Q- We understand that part of the journey has been connecting with the next of kin, and that one family in particular was able to join you for the premiere as well as visit the crash site for the first time. Can you tell us about that please?

AB-“Melissa Merklinger! She and I never knew each other, or OF each other, until very recently, but we have so much in common. Her father, the pilot in command, perished alongside my father. She was two years old, and I was 15 months old when we lost our fathers. She had very little information about her father’s death previously, so to share this experience with her, and bring some knowledge to the many, many questions that she has carried throughout her life was a great honor. The smile on her face after returning from the helicopter flight to view the site and the memorial, wearing her father’s flight jacket, is etched in my memory forever.”

Q-You also met for the first time Minter Dial, author of the book, “The Last Ring Home”, and the documentary of the same name. It is evident from the video footage of the event how meaningful it was for both of you to share your documentaries together. How was it to spend time together on such a personal level?

AB-“Minter has been instrumental to this process, even before I knew him! There aren’t too many people in the world that can relate to stories first hand. In fact, none that I’ve heard of, who have had such similar experiences with Naval Academy rings as Minter and I have. His is a “sister film” if you will, and it was through his story that I was able to reach out to Josh Shelov, who directed his [Minter] story and ultimately my own.”

Q-Is it true that even those in attendance at the premiere who did not speak English were moved to tears?

AB-“Truth. There was a couple sitting right next to us. I was honestly not expecting that nor the reaction of the crowd! It was really a night of celebration and that’s what it’s about now. This is part of Harstad/Grytoya Norway history that has until now, faded into the island mountain! We were proud to bring the film there first!”

Q-It sounds like this film is powerful. How do you anticipate the reception in the US?”

AB-“I can’t imagine, but my message is one of hope, resilience and honor for both

military and civilians, Hope and unity is something we, as Americans, need to hear desperately right now, in my opinion. This is also a story about a daughter meeting her father for the first time! But being here in San Diego, aboard the USS Midway, it will be magical!”

Q-January 8th, 2024,is the date for the premiere. Why a Monday?

AB-“It’s not just any Monday. It happens to be my father’s birthday! Last year

Q-San Diego has long been the beneficiary of your infectious energy. Is it accurate to say that this endeavor has allowed you to bring that talent worldwide?

AB-“Wow-Ha, I guess you could say it like that! What I would say is that I have met so many new friends in Europe through this project. In sharing the journey with friends and family stateside, several were even inspired to make the nearly 5000 mile trip to celebrate and experience the

we placed the memorial on the 50th Anniversary of the crash, this year, we debut his story, our story, on what would be his 76th. He has really come alive for me over the last two years. I think it’s time he had a proper celebration of life and now legacy!

Q-Well said, and surely, as his legacy, you have done him proud. Can anyone attend the event or is it invitation only?

AB-“Thank you so much for those kind words, and I certainly hope so. As for the event, VIP’s have already been invited and confirmed. A limited number of tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available and can be purchased at our event page.”

film as it comes to fruition. Of course our Norwegian family enveloped these guests as well and now they are part of the greater family! Grassroots Nation Building at its best! Norway is a spectacular country with incredible people!”

Q- A high school classmate with strong Norwegian ties attended the event, but was already in the country, tell us about that?

AB-YES!! The power of social media at its best! Lisa-Brit Wahlberg and I went to Farmington High School in Farmington, CT. She is an educator at Miss Porters School and currently a Fulbright Scholar in Oslo. Lisa reached out when I first shared the story two years ago and we’ve stayed in touch ever since. She is also fluent in Norwegian! It was an absolute blast to have her be alongside all of us. She fit right in!! We hadn’t seen each other in 35 years and here we are both in Norway at the same time! EPIC really!”

Q-Among those who traveled was your son Huey, what did it mean to you to have him by your side?

AB- Yes! Sadly my daughters were unable to attend, but having my son alongside on this experience was absolutely terrific. I don’t have words to express all of the emotions that came up for me, and all who witnessed, as Huey made the grueling trek up to the crash site on Grytøya, with the memorial plaque on his back, and USMC by his side! This is an eventful climb in more ways than one. He has expressed his understanding of sacrifice and loss with this honorable participation.”

Q -And the USMC was present to document that event, is that correct?”

AB-“Yes! A team from US Marine Forces Europe and Africa, out of Stuttgart Germany, joined the two week event to further memorialize these fallen Marines with their own film, entitled Short Stop 24. Their short version can be viewed on DVIDS. Incidentally, Short Stop was my father’s call sign and 24 was his helicopter number. I love that they chose this for their title.”

Q-Will there be a military presence at this premiere as well?

AB-“You will have to wait and see! I will say that I am honored to have such a dynamic group of guests. It will definitely be filled with patriotism given the nature of the films. I am so excited but mostly grateful to bring this story first to San Diego as it makes its way across the country.”

Q-Well Abby, you seem to have mastered this project and I’m sure it will be a success! What’s next for you? What will you conquer next?

AB-”This story has so many stories within itself. This magic ring has not only enhanced my life in ways that are too many to list, but also the many that are still here to relish in it. We are in talks for a book, podcast, and a series in addition to bringing ”Written Out Loud”, the program that helped me outline my story, to Norway. It’s my desire to have everyone be able to tell their story!”

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