Save Money and Time by Renting Eco-friendly Moving Boxes From a Smart Move
By: Ciska Roos
The process of moving to a new place is like having a second non-paying job. It can be financially, physically, and emotionally demanding; you are responsible for expenses, scheduling, organizing, decluttering—and assembling mountains of cardboard boxes, making sure the bottoms hold when you transport that priceless family heirloom. You can always hire
a moving company to do the packing and unpacking for you, but do you really trust them with your keepsakes and valuables
There is another option: A Smart Move is the new, eco-friendly way to transport your things during a big, or small, move. Based in Carmel Valley, San Diego, this innovative company rents out clean, sani- tized, eco-friendly plastic boxes, which arrive at your doorstep pre-assembled. So, why are these plastic boxes better than the old-fashioned cardboard box?
Moving is not just hard on you, it is also hard on our environment. Those piles and piles of cardboard boxes that you painstakingly assembled and dissembled are labeled as recyclable. You might think that you are doing your part to help the environment when you break down those boxes and put them in the blue bin. But in reality, waste companies don’t want our recycling because it is contaminated with food and nonrecyclable materials. Single- stream recycling, where people throw all of their recycling into one bin, is partly to blame. Additionally, cardboard and paper products take a huge amount of energy to produce.
The best solution is to create less waste in the first place. Buying your own plastic containers is expensive and they take up space. Cardboard boxes are bad for the environment and a pain to put together and take apart. But you’re definitely not going to move small valuables one piece at a time.
If you rent A Smart Move eco-friendly boxes, you don’t have to worry about taking time out of your day to assemble or collapse anything, and you don’t have to worry about the impact your moving will have on our planet. Unlike some card- board boxes, which are just smooth, slip- pery cubes, A Smart Move boxes come with easy carry handles and may reduce injuries. The ergonomic design also allows for easy stacking, so no more awkward pil- ing or playing Tetris in the back of a truck. These boxes save time, and time is money.
If you’re a pros and cons kind of person and lists are your thing, here are just a few reasons why A Smart Move is indeed a smart move:
• Conveniently delivered to you
• Come ready to be packed
• Cheaper than cardboard boxes
• Twice the storage capacity of cardboard
• The bottom won’t fall out
• Has an easy grip handle
• Crushproof and waterproof
• Saves time, energy, and money
“I came upon this idea several years ago when I had to move into a new home quickly,” said Lindsay Curtis, founder of A Smart Move, renting eco-friendly, reusable moving boxes. “I was upset at the idea of wasting cardboard boxes so I investigated a better solution that could be less hassle and better for the environment. Renting recyclable plastic boxes make good sense and actually cost less!”
And there is no shortage of good reviews; the company currently holds an overall rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars on Google Reviews. “They are fantastic! They were super easy to work with and very quick in responding. They were also the best price from my research into similar options inSan Diego. Definitely will be using them again for future moves,” Melanie Thomp- son, a recent A Smart Move customer said in a review.
“Love having a ‘green’ option for moving boxes! We used ASM for a kitchen remodel. The boxes stack really well and were nice not having to build them. Cost is about as much as you’d pay for cardboard. Would highly recommend,” said Rachel van Betten, another satisfied San Diego client.
You can now calm the chaos of moving while also helping the environment. It is a win-win situation.
For more information about A Smart Move, email or visit